I design learning workshops and school experiences that are hands-on and critically reflective.



STEM Year with i2Learning (2020-22)

I worked as a Curriculum Designer & PBL Coach with i2learning, in partnership with the Attleboro Public School District, for the design of the STEM Year project. In this role, I spent one planning year co-constructing daylong, interdisciplinary, project-based curricula for Attleboro’s 5th and 6th grade teachers. Then, I coached two teaching teams for one school year, helping them develop systems for collaboration and co-teaching intended for long-term, sustainable transformation within their school.


STEAM Studio at TechBoston Academy (2018-20)

In conjunction with STEAM Studio, I supported the 9th grade teachers at TBA as we created student-driven, interdisciplinary, project-based learning environments. During the school year we created space to rethink what the school day looks like, and build a school environment for the 21st century. My role involved coaching multiple teaching teams as they developed internal capacity for interdisciplinary curriculum development and co-teaching.

Professional Development with i2learning (2018-22)

I have been a contract facilitator with i2learning since the summer of 2018. In this role, I facilitate professional development workshops for teachers and develop creative coding curricula. The focus of these workshops is a 20-hour digital game design course for students using Scratch as part of their i2 STEM Week program.


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Scratch (2014-18)

I worked in the Lifelong Kindergarten Group (at the MIT Media Lab) as a software developer for 4 years. 

My time there was focused mainly on building tools for Scratch as a platform for learning to code and online community. These tools were designed with inclusive and meaningful learning in mind. Some projects I worked on included: Co-building a Localization Pipeline for Scratch, Co-Facilitating open sourcing Scratch’s new website code, and Restructuring Social Data Systems for the Scratch Website.